Sales and Service in Portland and Ellsworth, Maine

Providing and Servicing Overboard Systems
in the Gulf of Maine
When it comes to having a man overboard, safety is the number one priority not only for the person in the water but for the rescue team as well. Being well equipped with an overboard system that will help to keep you safe while awaiting rescue will assist you in survival and support the team that will be coming to your aid.
For a crew quickly transitioning to a rescue team, having a system in place that can support your mission with rapid response and dynamic quick to access resources will increase the success of accomplishing the rescue mission swiftly. Traditional items such as a danbuoy, a horseshoe, a drogue, lights and, whistles are all useful to be deployed when facing a rescue of a man overboard. There are alternatives to these traditional items, such as all-inclusive recovery modules that can help make the process of collecting and deploying such equipment more efficient.
Need direction on figuring out which Overboard Systems are best for you and your crew? We invite you to come in and shop our products and connect with our experienced staff for navigating what will be best to support your man over safety needs.
Overboard System Service Requests
At Chase Leavitt & Co. we service most Man Overboard systems.
We test and service Man Overboard equipment such as Switlik’s Man Overboard Module (MOM) and Ocean Safety’s JonBuoy and Danbuoy.
There are a few different Man overboard retrieval systems: The horseshoe, life sling, throw ring, and inflatable systems.
Although some man overboard systems do not require regular maintenance and servicing, it is important to inspect them to ensure functionality in the case of an emergency. At our facility, we will check the systems that do not need annual service periodically for cylinder corrosion and malfunctioning or expired lights.
The man overboard systems that do need to be regularly serviced are inspected to ensure that the horseshoe and the pylon, the main components, inflate and stay inflated. We also inspect the CO2 Cylinders, sea anchor, and lifting points for any tears, rust, or corrosion. We assure the water-activated, lithium-powered, flashing strobe is in date and operates (every five years the assembly needs to be replaced). Lastly, per the manufacturer’s specifications, we pressure test each unit.
What do we do during our service and inspection?
– Lifting point corrosion check
– Sea anchor inspection
– Inflation check of the main components, horseshoe, and the pylon
– CO2 cylinder inspection
– UV Damage check
– Pressure test each unit per manufacturer’s specifications
– Flashing Strobe Operation check
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(207) 772-6383
Store Locations
Open Hours
M-F: 8am - 5pm Portland, ME
M-F: 8:30am - 4:30pm Ellsworth, ME
Ellsworth: 207-667-9390